Do you find yourself snoring less during summer than any other time of the year? Or perhaps you snore more during spring and fall? Regardless, seasonal snoring can indicate a change in the season, or something bigger going on. Snoring can impact your quality of sleep as well as the sleep of anyone else sleeping in the room with you.
Whether you snore nightly or just some of the time, it’s important to understand what might cause you to snore less during the summer.
Reasons Why You Snore Less During Summer
If you’re a seasonal snorer, summer is the season you are least likely to snore during. This is due to a number of factors.
1. Fewer Allergies
One of the top reasons why you may experience less snoring during the summer is because there are fewer allergies in the air. During spring, pollen is the main culprit for allergies. The reason allergies cause snoring is because they enter the body through the nose which is where you’re most affected. Allergies will increase the blood flow and release inflammatory molecules which will cause your nose to become obstructed. As a result, you will begin to breathe through your mouth and snore while you sleep.
2. More Vitamin D
Another reason why you might snore less during summer is that your vitamin D levels are higher. The reason for this is because you spend more time outside during the summer because of the nice weather! Vitamin D increases serotonin levels which not only help you feel happier but also helps you sleep better. If you don’t snore during the summer and also find that you wake up feeling happier and more rested, you can thank the sun and good weather. This is a good tip to keep going outside during all seasons because it’s beneficial for sleep and mental health. Every person has a different vitamin D requirement to optimize their health and it’s based on geographic location and the season.
3. Using Fewer Medications
You might also snore less during the summer because you’re less likely to battle colds and the flu during summer. When you’re sick, you won’t take as many medications. Cold and flu medications often cause the nose to become more stuffed up and can cause your throat muscles to relax which can obstruct the airway. Since it’s less common to become sick during the summer months, you’re less likely to snore from taking these medications.
4. Exercising and Eating Healthier
Another reason why you might snore less during the summer is that you likely exercise more and eat more healthy foods. The beautiful weather is the perfect excuse to get outside and get your blood pumping. Summer is also the best time to enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables. By exercising more and eating healthier, it will help you feel happier, give you more energy, and help you sleep better. With better sleep, you’re less likely to snore.
Tips to Getting Rid of Seasonal Snoring
If you snore seasonally, the following tips can help you stop snoring for good.
1. Treat Allergies
If you suffer from allergies or suspect that you do, talk to your doctor about the best allergy treatment for your needs. You might need to take daily medication or get a shot seasonally to help reduce allergies.
You can also help treat allergies by:
- Showering before bed to remove allergens and pollen from your body
- Wash your bedding at least once per week (do not dry your bedding outside or near a window)
- Keep your home clean – Dust, vacuum, and sweep regularly
- Reduce carpeting, drapes, and soft furnishings (these can trap allergens)
- Use an air purifier to keep allergens out of the air
2. Use a Humidifier
When the air is really dry, it can also dry out your nasal passages which can cause them to become inflamed. As a result, dry air can result in snoring. If your home lacks humidity (especially during the months where you don’t open windows due to hot or cold weather) using a humidifier can help you sleep snore-free.
3. Decongest
Another way to prevent snoring at night is by decongesting before you go to bed. You can use a Netti pot, take a hot shower, or use a nasal decongestant to open up your nasal passages.
4. Keep Your Head Elevated
When you’re feeling congested, you might find that it gets worse when you’re lying flat on your back. Try sleeping with your head elevated to reduce snoring during sleep.
5. Get Snoring Treatment in Columbus, OH
If you’ve tried all of the tips listed above and they haven’t helped, you might have sleep apnea. One of the top symptoms of sleep apnea is frequent and loud snoring.
If you suspect having sleep apnea, the best way to reduce snoring is by getting sleep apnea treatment. Fortunately, at Firouzian Sleep Wellness, we can help you get diagnosed with sleep apnea with help from a home sleep test and sleep physician. Once you’re diagnosed, we can help you find the right sleep apnea or snoring treatment for your needs.
Contact our Columbia dentists to book an appointment to learn more about sleep apnea and snoring treatment. Call (614) 683-4640 today to get started.